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ArtsWestchester Award

Brae Burn Country Club

39 Brae Burn Drive

Purchase, NY

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

12 noon

The proceeds will benefit the ArtsWestchester Artist Relief Fund.

A dynamic couple and avid collectors whose passion for contemporary art led to the establishment of Hudson Valley MOCA (formerly the Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art) in Peekskill.


Enlighten Peekskill, lighting the path from the Metro North train station to downtown with unique sculptures—DRI

Hudson Valley MOCA opened its doors to the public March 2004, in Peekskill, New York, a multicultural Hudson River town struggling economically. The goal of HVMOCA was to use the language of art to help build cross cultural dialogue and invigorate the community by helping to grow it as a center for the arts. The Strauses renowned contemporary art collection and their talents in recognizing artists with extraordinary potential very early in their careers, was a platform for exhibition programs. Alongside established masters in the Contemporary Art world over 250 artists had their works exhibited first at HVMOCA and then went on to national and international fame, including Jeffrey Gibson, Folkert de Jong, Cory Archangel, Adrian Ghenie, Tami Ben Tor and Jong Oh.

Since HVMOCA opened, Peekskill has dramatically changed. In 2004 the crime rate in Peekskill was high, shops closed and only 35% of Peekskill students went on to college. Now businesses are bustling, crime is low and 85% of kids go on to college, many to ivies and prestigious universities. There is a sense of open dialogue and reverence for diversity.

HVMOCA still remains true to its mission, to support extraordinary artists, emerging and established; to use contemporary art as a platform for interracial and intercultural understanding, where politics takes second place to building bridges toward mutual admiration

We look to the arts to enrich our students and expand their humanity through cross cultural dialogue, to express their innermost feelings by putting pen to paper, paint to canvas, multimedia and digital art their new platforms.

This new project, Enlighten Peekskill, conceived by HVMOCA, of lighting the 1-mile path from the Metro North train station to downtown with unique sculptures, offers an opportunity for artists to ‘literally’ shine, to be able to explore the use of new technology, to let their imaginations fly as their works seek to build bridges, physically and psychologically. It is a rare chance to make an imprint that will last a lifetime, one that will enrich the landscape and challenge passersby. We call on artists to pull from their own history, their own cultures, and roots, to use the universal language of art to create a symphony of voices.

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